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1. Introduction
2. The Melody of Etnachta Trope Phrases
3. The Etnachta Trope Phrase Symbol Exercise
1. Syllables
2. Hebrew Words Accented on Their Last Syllable
3. Hebrew Words Accented on Their Next-to-Last Syllable
2. The Melody of Sof Pasuk Phrases
3. The Sof Pasuk Trope Phrase Symbol Exercise
4. Adding Words Exercise
2. The Melody of Zakef Katon Trope Phrases
3. The Zakef Katon Trope Phrase Symbol Exercise
4. Two Trope on One Word
5. Two Pashta on One Word (Double Pashta)
6. Adding Words Exercise
2. Symbols Exercise
3. Adding Words Exercise Part 1
2. The Melody of Revia Trope Phrases
3. The Revia Trope Phrase Symbol Exercise
2. The Melody of Tevir Trope Phrases
3. The Tevir Trope Phrase Symbol Exercise
2. The Melody of Geresh Trope Phrases
3. The Geresh Trope Phrase Symbol Exercise
2. The Melody of Segol Trope Phrases
3. The Segol Trope Phrase Symbol Exercise
2. The Melody of Advanced Zakef Katon Trope Phrases
3. The Advanced Zakef Katon Trope Phrase Symbol Exercise
2. The Melody of Pazer, Zakef Gadol, and Telisha Gedola Phrases
3. The Pazer, Zakef Gadol, and Telisha Gedola Trope Phrase Symbol Exercise
2. The Melody of the End of Aliyah Trope Phrases
3. The End of Aliyah Trope Phrase Symbol Exercise
1. Introduction to Shalshelet, Mercha Kefulah, Yerach Ben Yomo, and Karnei Parah
2. The Melody of Rare Trope Phrases
3. The Rare Trope Phrase Symbol Exercise
2. The Melody of the End of Book Trope Phrases
3. The End of Book Trope Phrase Symbol Exercise
1. Common Trope Combinations
2. Major Trope Combinations
1. Blessings Before Reading Torah
2. Blessings After Reading Torah